Q&A: Chameleons Climbing the Cage Walls

Q. My chameleon constantly climbs the screens walls and I am worried about his nails getting pulled out. How can I ensure his safety? A: Your first question to answer is why he is climbing the walls of his cage. Chameleons generally will find horizontal perching spots and be content to...


Q&A: Concerns about solid, clear sides

Q: I hear about people using glass aquariums, but I keep reading how they will stress my chameleon by showing reflections and cause respiratory infections by the low ventilation. How does your Clearside material work?   A: The material used by Dragon Strand to create the Clearside cage line is a clear,...


Working with “Great Stuff” Expandable Foam

What is Expandable Foam and “Great Stuff”? Expandable foam is a hardware“Great Stuff” is a certain brand of expanding foam. This foam was designed to be used in home repairs to seal cracks. Reptile keepers have discovered that it works great to create vivarium landscapes. When using Dragon Ledges, we chameleon...