Shipping Damage
Unfortunately, at Dragon Strand we sometimes run into unexpected production delays. This can happen for a number of reasons. The most common reasons are materials that don’t pass our quality inspection (and must be replaced) and shipping damage. Today, let’s explore shipping and what happens when things don’t go was planned.
When you unpack the Dragon Strand cages you can tell we take packing seriously. The boxes are all 275lb test and when we design a cage we actually do so considering how we will stack the pieces for shipping to create the strongest shipping unit possible.
Dragon Strand cages are packed in 275lb bursting test boxes. This shows the packaging of a Large Keeper Kit. Like all our cages, this one was designed with packing in mind. They are packed to form a strong shipping unit.
Most of the time things go smoothly, but sometimes it doesn’t. It is interesting that reports of shipping damage tend to come in waves as if some particular hub had issues. Last week I got yet another report of shipping damage with a picture of boot marks on the box. Sometimes this happens. Usually there are no marks on the box so I cannot submit a claim with FedEX. But damage can be done anyways. Regardless if I can submit a claim with FedEX or not, I take care of you first and quickly. I will deal with FedEX
If a Dragon Strand product comes to you and it has any sort of damage please send me pictures of the box and of the damaged pieces. It is important that I get a picture of both the damage and the identification label that is stuck on the damaged piece. In this way I know what needs replacement. Two points to remember:
- It was not packed damaged. I have many well meaning customers try to convince me that the parts had to have been packed damaged. I can tell you, by knowing my processes, a damaged piece will not (and in some cases, physically cannot) be packed. The idea that someone on my very small team thinks they can pack a damaged piece and “get away with it” just isn’t realistic. We can have shipping damage without obvious trauma on the box. Kind of like being beaten with a bag of oranges supposedly does not leave bruises. I don’t know if that is true or not, but if it is, it is like that.
- Do a thorough check. Go through all the pieces and check them all for damage. It is my intention and commitment that you get a Dragon Strand cage in the condition that you were meant to get it. I do not play games or figure out levels of fault. If it came in damaged, I replace the damaged items! So there is no need to build a case with threats, warnings, accusations, or an account of your emotional duress. You will not have to convince me! I want you to have the best cage to represent my brand! Just give me the information I need and I will get your cage up to production level. But, in the rare case where you damage a piece, please be honest and not try to pass it off as shipping damage. Over many years of doing this we know what shipping damage looks like. And we know what it looks like when someone slips with a screw driver. FedEX is horrible for taking responsibility for their rough treatment and in 95% of the cases I have to eat the replacement costs and that wonderful shipping cost. This is part of the responsibility of selling cages. But let’s all keep it above board, please. But I do limit the replacements to one shipment to you. So look over all the pieces and give me a complete report right up front.
- Send me an email with the images requested.
- Damage on the individual pieces
- The labels that are attached to each damaged piece
- Any visible damage to the box

- Save the box. If there is box damage I may ask that you hold on to the packaging. Sometimes FedEX wants to inspect the damage (As if delivering a box bent like a candy cane is at all acceptable).
- Dragon Strand uses the top industry shipping services. I do not do the shipping myself. I use the best third party shipping companies such as FedEX, UPS, or USPS. They do a great job at shipping, but things do happen. What I am getting at is that sending me a lecture about how disappointed you are in my company because of something FedEX did is really not a good use of your time. I have to read it because you are a customer, but until there are better shipping options, this is as good as it gets. While I am not to blame for things that happen in shipping I am responsible for making sure you get the cage you ordered. As you can see, I will be very responsive in replacing anything damaged in shipping to the point of delaying other orders going out to fix the problem.
In the end, I will make sure you get your Dragon Strand quality cage. Even if there is a rocky start, you will get years of use out of your cage. I have people who have had Dragon Strand cages going on five years now and they are still going strong while other cheaper cages have been replaced. I believe this is why customers come to Dragon Strand when there are so many other cheaper options on the market. And we will make sure that remains the case.